How are Direct Offers applied?
- Log into your Reverb account and go to your Listings page.
You can enable Direct Offers in bulk via the top button, or for individual listings by selecting Enable Direct Offers on the bottom of each listing.
On the Reverb app, simply select the listing you'd like to manage direct offers on and a pop-up will appear.
- For bulk Direct Offers, you just select the percentage you want taken off the asking price and that will be applied to all your live listings. If editing Direct Offers on individual listings, once you select Enable Direct Offers, you will be taken to a page where you can select the checkbox next to Enable Direct Offers for this listing.
- Enter the percent you want to have the Direct Offer sent out as. You can also choose to include a message to the potential buyer. To enable it, click Submit.
Direct Offer enablement will be indicated by listings that have the Manage Direct Offers button on the bottom.
To manually disable Direct Offers on a listing, select Manage Direct Offers and simply uncheck the button next to Enable Direct Offers for this listing and click Submit.
Direct Offers for listings with USPS calculated shipping
If you have USPS calculated shipping set on a listing you want to enable Direct Offers on, you will need to set a Continental US shipping rate for the offer.
When do interested buyers receive a Direct Offer?
- If a buyer watches a listing with Direct Offers actively enabled, that buyer will receive a Direct Offer after clicking the watch button.
- If a buyer adds a listing with Direct Offers actively enabled to their cart but doesn’t check out, that buyer will receive a Direct Offer after adding to their cart.
- If a seller does not have Direct Offers actively enabled on a listing, but chooses to do so, anyone who has watched that item within the past 90 days, or has the item in their cart within the last 90 days but have not purchased, will all receive a Direct Offer immediately upon enablement.
How long does a buyer have to decide?
A buyer who receives an offer has 48 hours to accept, reject, or counter offer the Direct Offer. After 48 hours of inactivity, the offer expires.
What else do I need to know?
- Direct Offers are not eligible on Local Pickup Only listings.
- Buyers can only receive one Direct Offer per listing – turning Direct Offers off then on again will not send out a new offer.
- Make sure the numerical values you input for Direct Offer percent are the percentage you want to take off the price. For example, if you want to take 10% off a $100 item, write “10.” If you write “90” a Direct Offer will go out for 90% off the current price, not $90.
- If you increase the price of your listing and have Direct Offers enabled on it, the percent discount will follow the price. For example, if you have a 10% Direct Offer on a $100 item, the Direct Offer price is $90. If you raise the price to $120, the 10% Direct Offer will follow and your Direct Offer price will be $108.
- If you decrease the price on an active Direct Offer, the Direct Offer will disable. You will have to reapply it again. This is to protect you from forgetting about Direct Offers being active and accidentally sending out an even steeper Direct Offer discount after already dropping the price.
- If Direct Offers are enabled on listings that are added to a sale, Direct Offers pause as long as the item is on sale. They will resume once the sale ends.
- If an item with an active Direct Offer goes from Live to Sold Out, Direct Offers will remain attached. If that item goes back live again, so will the Direct Offers attached to it.
How to apply Direct Offers via CSV
Additional resources
How do I respond to a buyer's offer?
Accepting offers on your listings? Be sure you understand how our offers system works.
I sold an item, what's next?
Learn about the entire selling process from start to finish.
How long does it take to get paid?
Learn about the timeline for receiving your earnings.
How do shipping labels on Reverb work?
Ready to ship your item? Read about how you can get a shipping label.
How do I contact the buyer of my Reverb order?
Need to communicate with your buyer? Learn how.