Download your installer (Mac or PC) from your account. Once the file has finished downloading to your computer, you will need to open and run the installer.
- Once you have gone through the install wizard and accepted the software license agreement, you will be prompted to select which features you would like to install. If you are not sure what you will need, it is advisable to just leave the default options ticked and press Continue.
- Once you have selected your install features, press Continue and start the Install.
- Near the end of the installation, you will be prompted if you would like to check for updates to iZotope software, press yes on this prompt, and your plug-ins will be scanned to see if there are any newer versions for any of your iZotope products.
- If any updates are found, you will be prompted with an updates window where you can follow the on screen prompt.
- Once the installation is complete and all checks have been run, you will be prompted with an installation was successful window, which you can then Close.
- When the installation is finished, you will next need to open and authorize the product. It is always best practice to authorize using the standalone version (if available).
- The first time launching for product, you will be prompted with an Authorization box. After clicking Authorize you will need to enter your serial number and the Name and E-mail address used to create your iZotope user account.
- After pressing Authorize you will see a pop-up box confirming your details for you to then press Submit. Your software should now be fully authorized and ready to go!