While millions of instruments are bought and sold each year without any problems, we know that sometimes issues can happen. That’s why all purchases made on Reverb qualify for Reverb Protection.
Since most issues are resolved directly between buyers and sellers, the first step is to reach out to the buyer or seller via Reverb’s messaging platform outlining what’s wrong. This includes providing documentation. If you can’t reach a resolution, contact Reverb Support.
You qualify for Reverb Buyer or Seller Protection if:
- The sale—including all messages and payment—was made on the Reverb platform.
- Issues were reported on Reverb within 7 days of delivery.
- Documentation was provided outlining the issues.
If a return is warranted, Reverb will work with both parties to make sure this happens, along with a refund. Reverb has control of all payments made through Reverb Payments and can see all messages on the platform. This allows us to add an extra layer of protection, ensuring issues are quickly and fairly resolved.
Additional resources
Scam or phishing emails and messages
We want to help you identify and avoid scams on the site. Learn more.
What do I do if I’m asked to pay outside the Reverb website?
All transactions and interactions should remain on Reverb. Learn more.
What to do if you suspect fraud in your Reverb account
Notice suspicious activity? Learn about the next steps to take.
My order has been upgraded to the Reverb Resolutions team, what happens next?
Reverb's Resolutions team assists with claims and disputes. Learn more.
How to report messages to Reverb
We want to keep the Reverb community as safe as possible. Learn more.