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How do I format my tax ID?

Reverb sellers may be required to verify their information on Reverb to meet compliance requirements for policies like 1099-K, INFORM Consumers Act, DAC7, or DSA.

When entering your information on Reverb, make sure it matches what you use when filing taxes.

To update your tax ID:

US sellers

  1. On Reverb.com, go to the ”tax ID” section of your Shop Settings.
  2. Select whether you are operating as an individual or as a business. Individuals must enter their Social Security Number (SSN) and businesses must provide their Employer Identification Number (EIN).
  3. Enter the required information and select Submit tax info securely.

Sellers outside of the US

  1. On Reverb.com, go to the “tax profile” section of your Shop Settings.
  2. Select whether you are operating as an individual or as a business. This should be based on how you file for taxes.

    For accounts registered as an individual entity, enter your tax identification number, full legal name and address, and date of birth.

    For accounts registered as a business entity, enter your tax identification number, full legal name and address, and business registration number.

  3. Enter the required information and select Submit tax info securely.

Full list of tax reference formats by country

North America
Country Entity type Local tax reference(s) Accepted format(s)
United States Individual Social Security Number (SSN) 999-99-9999
Business Employer Identification Number (EIN) 99-9999999
Canada Individual Social Insurance Number (SIN) 999-999-999
Business Business Number (BN) 999999999
Mexico Individual Unique Population Registry Code/Personal ID Code Number (CURP) AAAA######AAAAAA(#/A)#
Social Security Number ###########
Registro Federal de Contribuyentes ("RFC") - Persona Física AAAA######AA(#/A)
Foreign Worker Unique Population Registry Code/Personal ID Code Number

The CURP may be duplicated if your organization has many foreign employees.
Male: XEXX010101HNEXXXA4
Female = XEXX010101MNEXXXA8
Business Registro Federal de Contribuyentes ("RFC") - Persona Moral AAA######AA(#/A)
Country Local tax reference(s) Accepted format(s)
Austria Abgabenkontonummer (also seen as St.-Nr. in German) 99-999/9999
Belgium Numéro National (NN) 99999999999
Bulgaria Personal Foreigner’s Number 9999999999
Croatia Osobni identifikacijski broj (OIB) - Personal identification Number 99999999999
Cyprus Tax Identification Code (TIC) 99999999L
Czech Republic Personal Number 999999/999
Denmark CPR Number 999999-9999
Estonia Isikukood 99999999999
Finland Henkilötunnus (HETU) - Finnish Social Security number 999999(+/-/A)999(L/9)
France Simplification des Procédures d'Imposition (SPI) 99 99 999 999 999
Germany Identifikationsnummer (IdNr.) 99999999999
Greece CPR Number 999999999
Hungary Adóazonosító jel 9999999999
Ireland Public Service Number (PPS No.) 9999999L(L)
Italy Codice fiscale LLLLLL99L99L999L
Latvia Personas kods Personal Identification Code (PIC) DDMMYY99999
Lithuania Asmens kodas (asm. k.) 99999999999
Luxemburg Numéro d'identification nationale des personnes physiques (PP) 9999999999999
Numéro d'identification personnelle
Malta Personal Identification Number (TIN) (0000)999L
Netherlands Burgerservicenummer (BSN) 999999999
Norway Fødselsnummer (National Identity Number) D1D2M1M2Y1Y2I1I2I3C1C2
Foreign person: D-Number (4+D1)D2M1M2Y1Y2I1I2I3C1C2
Poland Powszechny Elektroniczny System Ewidencji Ludności (PESEL) 99999999999
Numer Identyfikacji Podatkowej (NIP) 9999999999
Portugal Número Fiscal (NIF) 999999999
Romania Codul de înregistrare fiscală (CIF) 9999999999999
Slovakia Rodné číslo (RC) 999999/999
Slovenia Davčna številka 99999999
Spain Documento Nacional de Identidad (DNI) 99999999L
Número de Identificación de Extranjero (NIE) X ó Y ó Z 9999999
Sweden Personnummer 999999–9999
Switzerland Individuals: Old Age and Survivors Insurance Number (OASI); also called Alters-und Hinterlassenenversicherung (AHV) 756.XXXX.XXXX.XY
Entities: Unternehmens-Identifikationsnummer (UID-number) CHE-XXX.XXX.XXC
United Kingdom
Local tax reference(s) Accepted format(s)
National Insurance Number (NINO)

NINO: AA123456A *

* Last character of NINO will always be A,B,C, or D.

Unique Taxpayer Reference (UTR) UTR: 9999999999
All other regions
Country Local tax reference(s) Accepted format(s)
Hong Kong Hong Kong Identity (HKID) X123456(A)
Business Registration Number (BR) 99999999
Singapore National Registration Identification Card Number (NRIC, colloquially "IC") #NNNNNNNN@
Foreign Identification Number (FIN)

Tax Reference Number (ASGD) or Income Tax Reference Number (ITR).

Individuals or entities without a NRIC/FIN or UEN.

ASGD: A9999999# *

* Bolded characters are fixed prefixes that must not change.

ITR: 999999999C# or 9999999999
UEN – Business (ROB): Standard entity identification number issued to Businesses registered with Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority of Singapore (“ACRA”) NNNNNNNNC
UEN – Local Company (ROC): Standard entity identification number issued to Local Companies registered with ACRA YYYYNNNNNC (for Local Companies)

F000NNNNNC or FDDDNNNNNC (for Foreign Companies *)

* Bolded characters are fixed prefixes that must not change.

UEN – Others: Standard entity identification number issued to all other entities which are not businesses or local companies SYYPQNNNNC


* Bolded characters are fixed prefixes that must not change.

Indonesia Nomor Induk Kependudukan PPRRSSDDMMYYXXXX
Malaysia Tax Identification Number (TIN)

Individuals: IG999999999

Non-Individuals: C99999999999 

The first character is derived from the list below:

1. Companies C

2. Cooperative Societies CS

3. Partnerships D

4. Employers E

5. Associations F

6. Non-Resident Public Entertainers FA

7. Limited Liability Partnerships PT

8. Trust Bodies TA

9. Unit Trusts/ Property Trusts TC

10. Business Trusts TN

11. Real Estate Investment Trusts/ Property Trust Funds TR

12. Deceased Person’s Estate TP

13. Hindu Joint Families J

14. Labuan Entities LE

Income Tax Number YYMMDD-PB-###G
Vietnam Tax Code 99 9999999 9 - 999
New Zealand

Inland Revenue Department number (IRD)

For sole traders, the GST number will be the same as the IRD number. 

For partnerships and companies, it is the same as the partnership or company IRD number.

99999999 / 999999999
Turkey Turkish National Identification Number (NIN) 99999999999
Foreigner Identification Number 9999999999
Vergi Kimlik Numarasi (VKN) 9999999999
South Africa South African Identification Number (ID) YYMMDDSSSSCAZ
South African TIN number (tax number) 999999999
Income Tax Reference number (TRN) 999999999
Israel Identity Number 999999999
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