If anything arrives damaged or not as described, follow the steps below:
- Gather photos and videos of any issues once they are encountered and message the seller on Reverb with that information. ᐧ If the item arrived damaged, hold on to any packaging materials and the box it arrived in. ᐧ Do not attempt to make any further modifications as this will waive your buyer protection.
- Request a refund on the order.
- 🕑 Allow the seller 24 hours to respond to this request.
- Once approved, ship the item back to the seller (unless a partial refund or other arrangements were discussed). Once the item is back in the seller's possession, your refund should be initiated in 48 hours.
For purchases that arrive as-described or a refund is requested after the 7 day window expires, the seller’s individual return policy determines your eligibility for a refund. It is always a good idea to check out the Payments & Returns section on any listing to see the seller's individual policies.
Where can I view my seller’s return policy?
Be sure you are able to locate the item's return policy. Learn how.
Did you purchase an item and it never shipped?
After you complete a purchase, Reverb allows sellers 3 business days to add tracking information to their orders. If it is past the 3 business days, we recommend contacting the seller for a status update. In the event the seller remains unresponsive, you can contact Reverb Support to assist.
Additional resources
How do I request a refund?
Learn about the steps for submitting a refund request.
How long will my refund take to process?
The refund processing timeline is explained here.
How do returns work for buyers on Reverb?
Learn about the return process from start to finish.
How does Reverb protect buyers?
Learn about how Reverb Buyer Protection works.