With the Reverb plugin for Magento 1.x, sellers can:
- Sync Inventory levels from Magento to Reverb
- Sync Inventory levels from Reverb to Magento
- Create new listings
- Sync over all or specific listing info (title, descriptions, price, etc.)
- Sync orders from Reverb to Magento
- Sync shipment tracking from Magento to Reverb
1. Installation:
2. Set Up:
- In Magento Admin, go to System > Configuration > Reverb Configuration.
- Reverb Extension: Select Yes for "Enable Reverb Module".
- Reverb Connection: Select Reverb.com (Production) for "Reverb Sync Destination." Then enter your API Token.
- Reverb Default:
- Enable Listing Creation --> Select Yes.
- Require Reverb Category Definition --> Select Yes (recommended).
- Enable Product Image Sync --> Select Yes.
- Inventory Tracking --> Select Yes (recommended).
- Default Item Condition --> Select closest match from menu.
- Accept Offers --> Select Yes to enable offers and No to disable them.
- Listing Update Fields: Selecting Yes for all is suggested.
- Listing Field Attributes:Make, Model, Price and Shipping Profile (Name) are mandatory.
- Order Sync:
- Enable Order Sync: Select Yes.
- Which orders should sync from Reverb? All (including Unpaid Accepted Offers) (recommended).
- Override Production Inventory/Status Checks: No (recommended).
- Magento Store to sync orders to: Reverb.
3. Start Sync
- Once the setup has been completed, you're ready to begin your first sync. Go to your Reverb tab within Magento and choose Bulk Product Sync to get started.
For any additional questions, contact our Integrations team at integrations@reverb.com.