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Acceptable documentation for Reverb Payments

Reverb may require sellers outside of the US and Canada to provide one of the following documents for photo identification and/or bank account information prior to getting paid.

Photo ID

Provide one of the following documents for photo identification. The following table shows the supported photo IDs and what data must be provided for that document.

  Data Region
Passport Data page
(picture, MRZ, and details)
All countries
ID Card
(government issued)
Front and back All countries
Driver's license* Front and back United Kingdom

* A provisional driver's license is also allowed in the UK


When you upload a photo ID, it must meet the following requirements:

  • Non-expired.
  • Must be in color.
  • MRZ must be visible (if available).
  • Separate file for each side (only when providing an ID card or driver's license).
  • Allowed formats: jpeg, jpg, pdf, png.
  • Maximum allowed size: 4 MB.
  • Minimum allowed size: 1 kB for PDF, 100 kB for other formats.

Bank account documentation

  • Bank statements.
  • Deposit tickets or deposit forms.
  • Official emails or letters from your bank.
  • Cheques.
  • Relevé d'Identité Bancaire (RIB): bank document in France.
Do not upload photos of bank-issued cards, such as credit or debit cards. Screenshots of bank statements are also not accepted.


The proof of bank account must have:

  • The account holder name. This must match the legal business name, trading (doing business as) name, or the name of the individual conducting business.
  • The account number or IBAN.
  • The date of issuance, which must be less than 12 months ago. This requirement applies to all types of documents except for RIBs or cheques.
  • The country where the bank account is located. For EU bank statements, please use the country from the IBAN.
  • An indicator that the document was issued by a bank, such as the bank name, a bank logo or a bank-specific font.

What is not accepted:

  • Photos of bank-issued cards, such as credit or debit cards.
  • Edited or personalized documents.
  • Documents issued more than 12 months ago.

File formatting and sizing:

  • Formats: JPEG, JPG, PNG, PDF.
  • No maximum on the number of pages for PDF.
  • Size: minimum 1 KB, maximum 4 MB
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