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How to create a custom Reverb Sale

Quick answer

Head to your Sales page and scroll down to the Your Sales section. Select the Create sale button to enter your sale details, and then you'll select the button again to create your sale. This feature is only available on the web and is not currently offered on the Reverb app.

Step by step guide:

1. Head to your Sales page.

2. At the bottom of the page, click Create Sale.

Create Sale

3. Enter a custom name, description, discount percentage, discount code, and start/end dates to your sale.

Sale Details

Adding a discount code is optional. If you choose to add one, buyers will need to enter that code during the checkout process to receive the discount from your custom sale.

4. Select Create Sale.

5. Your sale will now appear under the 'Your Sales' section. Click Add on the new sale to add listings.


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