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Can I trade gear on Reverb?

Quick answer

Reverb only supports monetary transactions, which is why we do not have a formal platform for trading. You’ll get the most for your gear by listing it for sale on the platform and using your earnings to purchase the gear that you’d like to acquire. You can negotiate with sellers by selecting the Make an Offer button on listings that accept offers.

Negotiating with sellers

Reverb does not offer protection over transactions that involve the exchange of physical goods. We recommend that both parties submit offers to one another and transact through Reverb to ensure the purchases are protected. That way, Reverb can help facilitate any returns or refunds, if necessary.

How do offers work on Reverb?

Learn about the process and policies around our offers system.

If you'd like to communicate with the seller before submitting an offer, select the Message Seller button in the About the Seller section of the listing. The seller can even respond to your message with an offer included, which will appear in your Offers page.

Why can’t I conduct a gear-for-gear trade?

Reverb does not permit or support trades on our platform because we have no means of protecting a transaction that involves the exchange of physical goods. All payments made through our platform are fully protected, so in the event something is wrong with the item you receive, Reverb can help facilitate a resolution.

How does Reverb protect buyers?

Learn about how Reverb Buyer Protection works.

Additionally, your listing may be temporarily suspended if you include trade language or language soliciting trades per our Listing Guidelines:

  • Trade Language: The listing contains language regarding possible trades for gear. We do not allow users to solicit gear-for-gear trades on Reverb.
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