Be sure you have your bank account information and a billing card on file. If PayPal is available for your region, you can connect your PayPal account to receive payment. If there’s no bank account on file at the time payment is sent, you will need to transfer it from your Payout Balance.
First Reverb Payments sale
According to the tracking information on your order, funds will be available for deposit 1 - 2 business days following successful delivery of the item. Payment notifications will be sent via email. Following that, it may take 1 - 4 business days for payment to appear in your bank account.
- Item sold & order created
- 🕑 Up to 2 days
- Order verified & cleared for shipment For your protection, we secure payment by verifying buyer information.
- Item delivered or order Marked as Received Reverb uses the tracking information from your shipment to determine when it's delivered to the buyer. For local pickup orders, buyers must mark their order as received.
- 🕑 Up to 2 business days
- Funds available for deposit Payment is ready to be sent to your bank.
- 🕑 Up to 1 business day
- Payment sent to your bank It typically takes 1 - 4 business days for payment to appear in your account, depending on your bank.
After your first Reverb Payments sale
After your first sale, funds will become available for deposit in 1 business day and you will receive an email notification as confirmation. However, a valid tracking number showing package movement via the shipping carrier, must first be provided in order for Reverb to verify payment for your sale. Following that, it may take 1 - 4 business days for payment to appear in your bank account.
- Item sold & order created
- 🕑 Up to 2 days
- Order verified & cleared for shipment For your protection, we secure payment by verifying buyer information.
- Item in-transit or order Marked as Received Reverb uses the tracking information from your shipment to determine when it's on the way to the buyer. For local pickup orders, buyers must mark their order as received.
- 🕑 Up to 2 business days
- Funds available for deposit Payment is ready to be sent to your bank.
- 🕑 Up to 1 business day
- Payment sent to your bank It typically takes 1 - 4 business days for payment to appear in your account, depending on your bank.
If you receive an email on a weekend or holiday indicating that funds are available for deposit, sit tight. Reverb will send payment to your bank at the end of the following business day.
2024 bank holidays
January 1 - New Year's Day
January 15 - MLK Jr. Day
February 19 - Presidents' Day
May 27 - Memorial Day
June 19 - Juneteenth
July 4 - Independence Day
September 2 - Labor Day
October 14 - Indigenous Peoples' Day
November 11 - Veterans Day
November 28 - Thanksgiving Day
December 25 - Christmas Day
Additional resources
What fees will I pay for selling on Reverb?
Learn about the different fees and how they're deducted from your earnings.
What to know about Reverb billing
Learn about Reverb's billing cycle and other important billing features.
What should I do if I still haven't received my earnings?
Not seeing your earnings in your bank account? Follow these helpful steps.
Why are my total earnings lower than what I sold my gear for?
Not sure why you received the amount that you did from your sale? Read more.
How do shipping labels on Reverb work?
Ready to ship your item? Read about how you can get a shipping label.